Chess History
Chess is believed to have been invented 1500 years ago in India. The game has changed only slightly since then with the advent of the queen in the 15th century and some minor movement adjustments in the 1800s. Chess has long been considered the sport of kings and aristocrats. Rulers used chess to create better military strategists. The idea was simple: learning chess helps develop thinking skills.
Flash forward! The same idea exists now. It has only been recently that chess has become popular among all levels of society. And no wonder. Chess is great exercise. No, there are no head smashing, helmet scarring football tackles or exotic tumbles on a gymnastic mat. Rather the players exercise their minds. In fact, in some countries chess is part of a normal school curriculum. Chess is not a game of chance; it is based solely on tactics and strategy. Chess is one of the world’s most popular games; it has been described not only as a game, but also as an art, science, and sport. Chess is sometimes seen as an abstract war-game. Teaching chess has been advocated as a way of enhancing mental prowess.
A game of logic, chess exercises the mind by requiring players to think logically. Players are forced to think ahead and to analyze complex individual, yet interdependent factors. It has been said that chess is a good way to learn about life. A person with the facility to win at chess is ready to conquer any complex problem on either a personal or business level.